We're going to work on four verbs:

TO GO UP (subir) –TO RISE (subir) –TO SHOOT UP (dispararse) –TO ROCKET (dispararse de forma asombrosa)



Did sales go up significantly last month? Yes, sales went up significantly last month. ...de forma considerable el mes pasado.


Have sales gone up significantly so far this month? Yes, sales have gone up significantly so far this month.

Are sales going up significantly at the moment? Yes, sales are going up significantly at the moment.


Did productivity rise significantly last month? Yes, productivity rose significantly last month.

Is productivity rising significantly at the moment? Yes, productivity is rising significantly at the moment.

Do you think productivity will rise significantly next month? Yes, I think productivity will rise significantly next month.


'SIGNIFICANTLY' SOBRA ya que el verbo significa subir de forma marcada.


Did sales shoot up last month? Yes, sales shot up last month.

Have sales shot up so far this month? Yes, sales have shot up so far this month.

Do you think sales will shoot up next month? Yes, I think sales will shoot up next month.


Did sales rocket last month? Yes, sales rocketed last month.

Are sales rocketing at the moment? Yes, sales are rocketing at the moment.

Do you think sales will rocket next month? Yes, I think sales will rocket next month.


TO GO DOWN (bajar) –TO FALL (caer) –TO DROP (caer) –TO PLUMMET (caer en picado)


CONSIDERABLY: Quite a bit; bastante


Have sales gone down considerably so far this month? Yes, sales have gone down considerably so far this month.

Are sales going down considerably at the moment? Yes, sales are going down considerably at the moment


Did productivity fall considerably last month? Yes, productivity fell considerably last month.

Has productivity fallen considerably so far this month? Yes, productivity has fallen considerably so far this month

Is productivity falling considerably at the moment? Yes, productivity is falling considerably at the moment.



Did sales drop dramatically last month? Yes, sales dropped dramatically last month.

Have sales dropped dramatically so far this month? Yes, sales have dropped dramatically so far this month.

Do you think sales will drop dramatically next month? Yes, I think sales will drop dramatically next month.

Aquí “dramatically” sobra ya que “to plummet” es un verbo muy impactante en sí mismo y no requiere de adverbios cualitativos.

'TO PLUMMET' Es un verbo muy impactante en sí mismo y NO REQUIERE DE ADVERBIOS CUALIFICATIVOS.

Did sales plummet last month? Yes, sales plummeted last month.


Have sales plummeted so far this month? Yes, sales have plummeted so far this month.

Are sales plummeting at the moment? Yes, sales are plummeting at the moment.


TO PEAK (alcanzar su nivel más alto) –TO REMAIN STEADY (mantenerse estable) –TO FALL OFF (empezar a caer) –TO PICK UP (empezar a recuperarse después de una mala racha)



Did ice-cream sales peak last July? Yes, ice-cream sales peaked last July.

Have ice-cream sales peaked this week? Yes, ice-cream sales have peaked this week.

Do you think ice-cream sales will peak next month? Yes, I think ice-cream sales will peak next month.



Did car sales remain steady last month? Yes, car sales remained steady last month.

Have car sales remained steady so far this month? Yes, car sales have remained steady so far this month.

Are car sales remaining steady at the moment? Yes, I think car sales are remaining steady at the moment. (por el momento)



Did lawn-mower sales fall off last month? Yes, lawn-mower sales fell off last month.

Have lawn-mower sales fallen off this month? Yes, lawn-mower sales have fallen off this month

Do you think lawn-mower sales will fall off next month? Yes, I think lawn-mower sales will fall off next month.

Lawn-mower: cortacesped



Did tool-box sales pick up last month? Yes, tool-box sales picked up last month.

Do tool-box sales always pick up before Christmas? Yes, tool-box sales always pick up before Christmas.

Do you think tool-box sales will pick up after our ad campaign? Yes, I think tool-box sales will pick up after our ad campaign. ...campaña publicitaria.


 A RISE (una subida) – A FALL (una bajada) –AN INCREASE (un aumento) –A DROP (una caida)


'A RISE IN' Una subida de...

Was there a significant rise in pc sales last month? Hubo una subida significante de las ventas de pc,s el pasado mes?

Yes, there was a significant rise in pc sales last month

Has there been a significant rise in pc sales this month?

Yes, there has been a significant rise in pc sales this month.

Is there always a significant rise in pc sales at Christmast?

Yes, there’s always a significant rise in pc sales at Christmast

Will there be a significant rise in pc sales next month?

Yes, there will be a significant rise in pc sales next month


¡AN INCREASE IN' Un aumento de...

'A Sharp increase in' significa 'Un aumento de mercado de...'

Was there a sharp increase in bookings last quarter?

Yes, there was a sharp increase in bookings last quarter. ...en el último trimestre.

Has there been a sharp increase in bookings this quarter?

Yes, there has been a sharp increase in bookings this quarter.

Is there a sharp increase in bookings every summer?

Yes, there’s a sharp increase in bookings every summer.

Will there be a sharp increase in bookings next quarter?

Yes, there will be a sharp increase in bookings next quarter.


'A FALL IN'. Una bajada de...

'A steady fall in' Una constante caida del

Was there a steady fall in consumer interest last month? ¿Hubo una bajada constante del interés del consumidor el pasado mes?

Yes, there was a steady fall in consumer interest last month.

Has there been a steady fall in consumer interest this month?

Yes, there has been a steady fall in consumer interest this month.

Is there always a steady fall in consumer interest after Easter?

Yes, there’s always a steady fall in consumer interest after Easter. ...después de Pascua.

Will there be a steady fall in consumer interest if we don’t advertise?

Yes, there will be a steady fall in consumer interest if we don’t advertise. ....si no hacemos publicidad.


'A DROP IN' Una caída de...

Was there a warrying drop in share prices last month?

Yes there was a warrying drop in share prices last month. ...una caida preocupante...

Has there been a warrying drop in share prices this week?

Yes, there has been a warrying drop in share prices this week.

Is there always a warrying drop in share prices after an election?

Yes, there’s always a worrying drop in shares prices after an election. Elecciones generales; the general elction (single).

Will there be a worrying drop in share prices after the announcement?

Yes, there will be a worrying drop in share prices after the announcement




To keep one’s cards close to one’s chest. No reveler las cartas/no soltar prenda

To have a card up one’s sleeve. Guardarse una carta bajo la manga

To lay one’s cards on the table. Poner las cartas sobre la mesa.

To play one’s cards right. Jugar bien las cartas de uno.



Imprescindible modificar 'One’s' 'De uno' por el adjetivo posesivo que corresponda

Does he always keep his cards close to his chest? Yes, he always keeps his cards close to his chest

Did you try to keep your cards close to your chest? Yes, I tried to keep my cards close to my chest

Can she keep her cards close to her chest? Yes, she can keep her cards close to her chest.



Do You have a card up your sleeve? Yes I have a card up my sleeve

Did they have another card up their sleeve? Yes, they had another card up their sleeve

Do you think they’ll have a card up their sleeve? Yes, I think they’ll have a card up their sleeve


'TO LAY ONE’S CARDS ON THE TABLE' (Transitive verb)

Are you laying your cards on the table now? Yes, I’m laying my cards on the table now

Have they laid their cards on the table yet? Yes, they’ve already laid their cards on the table

Will you lay your cards on the table once and for all? Yes, I will lay my cards on the table once and for all


TO PLAY ONE’S CARDS RIGHT (jugar las cartas de uno correctamente)

Did you play your cards right? Yes, I played my cards right

 Will she ever learn how to play her cards right? Yes, she will learn how to play her cards right

Does he usually play his cards right? Yes, he usually plays his cards right


'TO SELL OUT' of something (Agotar) – TO BE SHORT OF SCTOCK  (Tener insuficiente de existencias) – TO BE OUT OF STOCK (estar sin existencias) – TO BE OVERSTOCKED (Tener exceso de existencias)



Have they sold out of tickets for the concert? Yes, they sold out of tickets for the concert. ¿Se han agotado las entradas para el concierto?

Do you always sell out of this product quickly? Yes, we always sell out of this product quickly. ¿Se agota este producto rápidamente?

Do you think you’ll sell out during the Christmas rush? Yes, I think I’ll sell out during 'the Christmas rush'. ¿Crees que se agotará durante 'la campaña de navidad'?


Were the suppliers short of stock last month? Yes, the suppliers were short of stock last month

Have the suppliers been short of stock lately? Yes, the suppliers have been short of stock lately.

Are the suppliers short of stock at the moment? Yes, the suppliers are short of stock at the moment. No decimos 'at this moment' a no ser que esté dentro de la frase 'at this moment in time'


TO BE OUT OF STOCK (estar sin existencias)

Was the customer out of stock before we delivered? Yes, the customer was out of stock before we delivered.

Has the customer been out of stock lately? Yes, the customer has been out of stock lately

Is the customer out of stock right now? Yes, the customer is out of stock right now.

Will the customer be out of stock if we don’t deliver soon? Yes, the customer will be out of stock if we don’t deliver soon.


TO BE OVERSTOCK (estar sobrado de existencias)

Were our warehouses overstocked last quarter? Yes, our warehouses were overstocked last quarter.


“Wares” es una forma muy obsoleta de referirse a mercancias pero saberlo deja muy claro el significado de “warehouse” (almacén). “ware” se pronuncia igual que “where”


Are our warehouses overstocked at the moment? Yes our warehouses are overstocked at the moment

Will our warehouses be overstocked if we increase our order? Yes, our warehouses will be overstocked if we increase our order


TO LAUNCH (lanzar) – TO WITHDRAW (retirar de la venta) – TO BRING OUT (sacar a la venta) – TO REDESIGN (rediseñar)


Has the manufacturer launched any new products so far this year? Yes, the manufacturer has launched several products so far this year.

Does the manufacturer launch a new product every quarter? Yes, the manufacturer launches a new product every quarter (cada trimestre)

Are they planning to launch a new product for the summer? Yes, they are planning to launch a new product for the summer

Did they bring out a new version of the product last month? Yes, they brought out a new version of the product last month. Sí, sacaron una nueva version del producto el mes pasado

Have they brought out a new version recently? Yes, they have brought out a new version recently. Sí, han sacado recientemente una nueva version

Do they bring out a new version of the product every spring? Yes, they bring out a new version of the product every spring. Sí, sacan una nueva version del producto cada primavera

Are they planning to bring out a new version in the next six month? Yes, they are planning to bring out a new version in the next six month. Sí, están pensando sacar una nueva versión en los próximos seis meses



Did the manufacturer withdraw the old version from sale? Yes, the manufacturer withdrew the old version from sale. Sí, el fabricante retiró la versión vieja de la venta

Has the manufacturer withdrawn any products lately? Yes, the manufacturer has withdrawn several products lately

Will the manufacturer withdraw the product if sales are slow? Yes, the manufacturer will withdrow the product if sales are slow. Sí. el fabricante retirará el producto si las ventas van lentas


Did the manufacturer redesign its star product last year? Yes, the manufacturer redesigned its star product last year.

Has the manufacturer redesigned its portfolio recently? Yes, the manufacturer has redesigned its portfolio recently.

Is the manufacturer redesigning its star product at the moment? Yes, the manufacturer is redesigning its star product at the moment.


TO MAKE A KILLING (hacer una fortuna) – TO BE IN PROFIT (obtener beneficios) – TO INCUR LOSSES (incurrir en perdidas) – TO GO BANKRUPT (quebrar)



Did you make a killing with your latest product launch? Yes, we made a killing with our latest product launch. <lóornch>

Have you just made a killing with the sudden increase in stocks? Yes, we have just made a killing with the sudden increase in stocks.

Does your company usually make a killing in summer? Yes, our company usually makes a killing in summer

Are you likely to make a killing if you advertise on TV? Yes, we are likely to make a killing if we advertise on TV. Sí, es probable que hagamos una fortuna...



Were you in profit before the takeover? Yes, we were in profit before the takeover. ¿Teníais beneficios antes de la absorción?

Are you in profit on that project? Yes, we are in profit on that project. Si tenemos beneficios con ese proyecto

Will you be in profit if petrol prices continue increasing? Yes, we’ll be in profit if petrol prices continue increasing.


TO INCUR LOSSES (incurrir en perdidas)

Did you incur losses in the last financial year? Yes, we incurred losses in the last financial year. <inque(r)>

Have you incurred many losses due to the new legislation? Yes, we have incurred many losses due to the new legislation.

Will you incur losses if you double salaries? Yes, we’ll incur losses if we double salaries?


Did that multinational go bankrupt when de scandal broke out? Yes, that multinational went bankrupt when the scandal broke out.

Have many companies gone bankrupt so far this year? Yes, many companies have gone bankrupt so far this year.

Do many small businesses go bankrupt every year? Yes, many small businesses go bankrupt every year.


TO LAY OFF STAFF (despedir personal) – TO FIRE (echar) – TO TAKE ON (contratar) – TO HIRE (contratar).



Did the factory lay off many workers last winter? Yes, the factory laid off many workers last winter.

Has the multinational laid off many employees with this restructuring program? Yes, the multinational has laid off many employees with this restructuring program.

Does the hotel industry lay off many workers in autumn? Yes, the hotel industry lays off many workers in autumn.



Did the company fire that incompetent manager? Yes, the company fired that incompetent manager.

Does your company always fire staff who steal? Yes, My company always fires staff who steal.

Do you think the company will fire the board? Yes, I think the company will fire the board.


Have they taken on anyone recently? Yes, they have taken on someone recently.

Does the company take on new people every year? Yes, the company takes on new people every year.

Is the company planning to take on any new staff for the sales campaign? Yes, the company is planning to take on some new staff for the sales campaign.



Did the accounts department hire a new accountant in the end? Yes, the accounts department hired a new accountant in the end.

Has the accounts department hired too many people recently? Yes, the accounts department has hired too many people recently.

Will the accounts department hire the right person? Yes, the accounts department will hire the right person.


TO SET OBJECTIVES (marcar objetivos) – TO OVER-PERFORM (sobre-ponerse; dar mejores resultados de lo previsto) – TO MEET OBJECTIVES (cumplir objetivos) – TO UNDER-PERFORM (decaer; dar peores resultados de lo previsto).



Has your company set staff many objectives this year? Yes, my company has set staff many objectives this year. ...ha marcado muchos objetivos personales este año.

Does your boss usually set you demanding objectives? Yes, my boss usually sets me demanding objectives. ...me exige normalmente los objetivos.

Will the company set feasible objectives for the next quarter? Yes, the company will set feasible objectives for the next quarter. ...marcará objetivos factibles para el proximo trimestre?



Did you meet your annual objectives last year? Yes, I met my annual objectives last year. Sí, Cumplí mis objetivos anuales el año pasado?

Has your department met its objectives this month? Yes, my department has met its objectives this month. ...ha cumplido con sus objetivos este mes?

Does your company always meet its sales objectives? Yes, my company always meets its sales objectives. ...siempre cumple con los objetivos de ventas?



Did your department over-perform last quarter? Yes, my department over-performed last quarter. ...dio mejores resultados el trimestre pasado?

 Has the company over-performed this year? Yes, the company has over-performed this year. ...dio mejores resultados este año?

Would you over-perform if your bonus didn’t have a ceiling? Yes, I would over-perform if my bonus didn’t have a ceiling. Daría mejores resultados si mi bonificación no tuviera tope?


Did company shares under-perform last year? Yes, company shares under-performed last year. ...dieron peor resultado de lo previsto el pasado año?

Has the sales department under-performed recently? Yes, the sales department has under-performed recently. ...ha dado peores resultados ventas recientemente?

Do company shares often under-perform? Yes, company shares often under-perform. ...a menudo dan peor resultado de lo previsto?



TO EXPORT (exportar) – To IMPORT (importar) – TO PAY DUTY (pagar impuestos sobre mercancías) – TO SMUGGLE (pasar contrabando).



Did Spain export more olives than Italy last year?  Yes, Spain exported more olives than Italy last year.

Has the company exported goods to Germany? Yes, the company has exported goods to Germany. Sí, la compañía ha exportado mercancías a Alemania.


Are the Chinese exporting more seafood than we are? Yes, the Chinese are exporting more seafood than we are.

Will we export 60% of what we produce next year? Yes, we’ll export 60% of what we produce next year. Sí, exportaremos el 60% de lo que produzcamos el año que viene.



Did the UK import more than it exported last year? Yes the UK imported more than it exported last year.

Have we imported enough oil to meet demand? Yes, we’ve imported enough oil to meet demand. ...para satisfacer la demanda. (muy parecido a “to meet objectives”)

Do the Dutch import less wine than Swedish? Yes, the Dutch import less wine than Swedish

Will the company have to import more car parts if it closes the factory? Yes, the company will have to import more car parts if it closes the factory.



Did you have to pay duty on the cigars you bought? Yes, I had to pay duty on the cigars I bought.

Siempre 'On' con 'To pay duty'.


Has the government changed the law on paying duty? Yes, the government has changed the law on paying duty.

Do countries outside the EU pay duty on alcohol? Yes, countries outside the EU pay duty on alcohol. Sí, además de EU, pagan los paises impuestos del alcohol.



Did the criminals smuggle the goods by boat? Yes, the criminals smuggled the goods by boat. Sí, los contrabandistas pasaron las mercancías en un bote.

Have many cigarettes been smuggled this year? Yes, lots of cigarettes have been smuggled this year. Sí, ha habido montones de cigarillos de contrabando este año.

Will they try to smuggle the goods through customs in their suitcases? Yes, they will try to smuggle the goods through customs in their suitcases.




TO SPECULATE (especular) – TO FORECAST (preveer/predecir/pronosticar) – TO STIPULATE (estipular/determinar o establecer/specify) – TO REQUIRE (requerir).



Did you speculate on the stock exchange last year? Yes, I speculated on the stock exchange last year.

Have they speculate about the reasons for the decision? Yes, they have speculated about the reasons for the decision.

Are you speculating when you say that. Yes, I’m speculating when I say that.

Is he going to speculate on the value? Yes, he’s going to speculate on the value.



Did They forecast sales of over €3m.? Yes, they forecasted sales of over €3m.

Have economists forecasted a rise in the stock exchange? Yes, economists have forecasted a rise in the stock exchange.

Are you forecasting a fall in sales this year? Yes, I’m forecasting a fall in sales this year.

Is it possible to correctly forecast a recession? Yes, It’s possible to correctly forecast a recession. Sí es posible predecir correctamente una recisión?



Did you stipulate that the buyer pay for the postage costs? Yes, I stipulated that the buyer pay for the postage costs. Si, especifiqué que el comprador pague los gastos de envío

Has that point been stipulated in the contract? Yes, the point has been stipulated in the contract.

Are you paying the stipulated amount? Yes, I’m paying the stipulated amount.


Did they require you to hire the lawyer? Yes, they required me to hire the lawyer.

Has the company required him to present their case? Yes, the company has required him to present their case.

Will you require that he be present at the meeting? Yes, I’ll require that he be present at the meeting.


Empleamos las formas 'TO' más infinitivo y 'THAT' con el verbo básico, para formar el subjuntivo español. 'I require someone to do something or I require that someone do something'.


Does the law require you to change your policies? Yes, the law requires us to change our policies.



TO BE A BARGAIN (ser un chollo) – TO BE RIPPED OFF (ser timado) – TO BE UNDERPRISED (estar devaluado) – TO BE OVERPRISED (ser revalorizado)



Were there many bargains on the stock market last year? Yes, there were many bargains on the stock market last year. Sí, había muchos chollos en la bolsa.

Have there been any bargains on the stock market this year? Yes, there have been some bargains on the stock market this year. Sí, ha habido algunos chollos en la bolsa…

Are there any bargains on the stock market at the moment? Yes, there are some bargains on the stock market at the moment. Sí, hay algunos chollos en la bolsa en este momento.



Were you ripped off last year? Yes, I were ripped off last year.

Have you been ripped off this year? Yes, I have been ripped off this year.

Are you often ripped off? Yes, I am often ripped off.

Do you think the shareholders will be ripped off? Yes, I think the shareholders will be ripped off. ...accionistas serán timados.


Were those shares underpriced? Yes, those shares were underpriced.

Have these shares been underpriced? Yes, these shares have been underpriced.

Are these shares underpriced? Yes, these share are underpriced.

Are these shares likely to be underpriced? Yes, these shares are likely to be underpriced.


Didn’t you think that company was overpriced? Yes, I thought that company was overpriced.

Don’t you think that company has been overpriced? Yes, I think that company has been overpriced.

Don’t you think that company is overpriced? Yes, I think that company is overpriced.

Is that company going to be overpriced? Yes, that company is going to be overpriced.



TO TAKE STEPS (tomar medidas) – TO CUT CORNERS (reducir gastos 'como sea') – TO PULL OUT ALL THE STOPS (tocar todos los registros/puntos)  - To follow suit (seguir su ejemplo).



Did the management take steps to prevent the incident? Yes, the management took steps to prevent the incident.  

Have we taken steps to remedy the situation? Yes, we’ve taken steps to remedy the situation.

Is the boss taking steps to stop it happening again? Yes, the boss is taking steps to stop it happening again.

Will the government take steps to stamp out crime? Yes, the government will take steps to stamp out crime.


To stamp out (apagar pateando); “to stamp out crime” significa “erradicar o acabar con el crimen”. Otra expresión sería “to crack down on crime” que significa “tomar medidas energéticas contra el crimen”.



Could we produce it more cheaply if we cut  corners. Yes, we could produce it more cheaply if we cut corners.

Have you told the supplier that we can’t cut corners?  Yes, I’ve told the suppliers that we can’t cut corners.

Are they willing to cut corners to secure the contract?  Yes, they’re willing to cut corners to secure the contract.

Will they cut corners if we’re not careful? Yes, they’ll cut corners if we’re not careful.


Did he pull out of the stops to get the contract? Yes, he pulled out of the stops to get the contract.

Has the PR company pulled out all the stops? Yes the PR company has pulled out all the stops.

Are we pulling out all the stops in terms of publicity? Yes, we are pulling out all the stops in terms of publicity. Sí, estamos tocando todos los puntos de las condiciones de prensa.

Are the journalists pulling out all the stops to sway public opinión? Yes, the journalists are pulling out all the stops to sway public opinion. ...para influir en la opinion pública.


Did the Education Minister follow suit by resigning? Yes, the Education Minister followed suit by resigning. ...para dimitir.

Have our competitors followed suit by cutting their prices? Yes, our competitors have followed suit by cutting their prices.
Should we follow suit by asking him to resign? Yes, we should suit by asking him to resign.

Will the rest follow suit if we make the first move? Yes, the rest will follow suit if we make the first move. ...damos el primer paso.



TO GAIN GROUND; ganar terreno – TO KEEP PACE WITH; llevar el mismo ritmo que – TO BE IN THE RUNNING; tener posibilidades (de ganar) – TO SET THE PACE; marcar la pauta.



Were we beginning to gain ground before the crisis? Yes, we were beginning to gain ground before the crisis.

Have we been gaining ground this year? Yes, we have been gaining ground this year.

Are we gaining ground on our competitors? Yes, we’re gaining ground on our competitors.

Will they gain much ground if they win the contract? Yes, they will gain a lot of ground if they win the contract.

TO KEEP PACE WITH; llevar el mismo ritmo que

Did they manage to keep pace with us last year? Yes, they managed to keep pace with us last year.

Have they been keeping pace with the latest developments? Yes, they’ve been keeping pace with the latest developments.

Are the new employees keeping pace with the rest? Yes, the new employees are keeping pace with the rest.

Are they going to be able to keep place? Yes, they are going to be able to keep pace.

TO BE IN THE RUNNING; tener posibilidades (de ganar)

Were we in the running to get the grant (subvención). Yes we were in the running to get the grant.

Are you in the running to build the new highway (USA). Yes, I’m in the running to build the new highway. motorway (UK).

Is he in the running to become the new department head? Yes, he’s in the running to become the new department head.

Well we be in the running for the Kaufmann contrat? Yes, we’ll be in THE running for the Kaufmann contract.

TO SET THE PACE; marcar la pauta.

Did this company use to set the pace in the industry? Yes, this company used to set the pace in the industry.

Have we been sitting the pace for change? Yes, we’ve been sitting the pace for change.

Are we sitting the pace for the English teaching sector? Yes, we’re sitting the pace for the English teaching sector.

Will we be sitting the pace for the number of new ideas? Yes, we will be sitting the pace for the number of new ideas.